Death Cure, News Article, English 8

Death Cure, News Article, English 8

The Death Cure Book Cover The Death Cure
The Maze Runner
James Dashner
Science Fiction
Dell publishing
October 11, 2011


Thomas Gives Himself Up and Saves the Immunes

Jamison Wahl

WICKED Headquarters


During the Time of the Flair



       Thomas and the right arm set out on a mission to destroy


WICKED during the time of the flair. They plan to do this by Thomas strolling into WICKED’s property by choice because he is the final candidate for WICKED’s trials. When Thomas sets foot on WICKED’s property he plants a device that shuts down all of WICKED’s weapons. They need to shut down WICKED for the greater good, WICKED believes they are saving humanity but really they are just murdering immunes one by one.



       Thomas, Minho, Brenda and Jorge broke out of WICKED a while ago. They found themselves in Denver Colorado and stumbled upon the Right Arm. They didn’t know the Right Arms intentions
at the time but later they found out. Thomas congregated with the Right Arms leader and that’s when they developed the plan.


       Their plan took action, Thomas strolled right up onto WICKED’s property and they invited him in right away. Thomas lied to rat-man and announced that he needed to use the restroom almost right after he was invited inside. Thomas plants the device is the restroom. “The plan is set in place,” announced Thomas.


       Thomas returns from the bathroom. He is told overwhelming information. Rat-man tells Thomas he is the final candidate. This means they must do surgery on Thomas.


“One final thing,” Said Rat-Man.


“And what’s that?” Thomas questioned.


“Thomas we need your brain,” Stated Rat-Man.


If their suspicions are correct Thomas’ brain can cure the flair. So, to cure the flair Thomas must die. He’s the sacrifice for everyone else.


       WICKED’s surgeons then take Thomas to start the procedure after much stalling. Thomas was getting ready to never see the earth again. The surgeons grabbed Thomas and strolled him to the operating room.


“He wasn’t dead yet. At some point as he floated in this confusing mass of blackness, he heard a voice. Calling his name, after hearing Thomas several times, he decided to go after it, find it. He made himself move towards the voice. Towards his name.”



In front of him was a note from Chancellor Paige. It showed Thomas where all the immunes were being kept captive. It also showed where the Flat Trans were so the immunes could escape and lead a healthy life away from WICKED.


       Thomas sets out to find the Right Arm because they must be attacking WICKED if he was alive. He eventually finds them, he then gathers up Brenda, Minho, Teresa, Aris, Jorge and Gally (who’s apart of the Right Arm) to go save the immunes with Chancell

or Paige’s instructions. They set out to find the immunes when they realize they are back in the maze.


       Thomas leads the way through the maze when they finally stubble upon the immunes. They all are shocked to find WICKED locked up more than 500 immunes! They break them out of their cages when the maze starts falling apart. The Right Arm was bringing WICKED to the ground but taking them with them. No one had to tell them all to start sprinting for their lives!!

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